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Member exchange

Member exchange

big exchange meeting

A large social gathering that brings together Yokohama Future Organization members (regular members, supporting members, and affiliated/cooperating organizations) once a year.

What will happen in 2022?

What will happen in 2023?

Cross talk

We hold "Cross Talk", a member networking event, about once a month to promote mutual understanding and network formation among members.
Interested members gather and discuss different themes each time, ranging from themes with high member needs to specialized themes originating from members.

theme so far
・Let's create a “well-being” Yokohama with care tech and health tech!
・Let's talk about YOXO FESTIVAL and future Yokohama!
・Let's talk about materials (semiconductors) x innovation
・Learning x Yokohama Future Metaverse Project
・Innovation in trade and international logistics!Such

It is not a seminar format where the speakers talk one-sidedly, but rather a panel discussion of the participants, an ideathon in the team, and a style where participants can relax and cross-talk with snacks and drinks in one hand.

the rules of the meeting
・Imagine the future
・Rely on opinions (do not deny the other party)
・Do not express your opinion too much (listen to what the other person has to say)
・Gaffes welcome (no video recording)

Emphasizing "drawing the future", we aim to create opportunities for co-creation and seeds of innovation from loose exchanges, eventually becoming a Yokohama Future Organization project.

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