This event has already ended and will be held in 2024. For information on the 2025 event, please see here.


time schedule

A_Landmark Plaza Sakata no Seed Garden Square
Reservation system
2/3 (Sat) 11:30-12:50

Life in space - Sustaining the Earth's ecosystem and life in space -

Kyoto University SIC Manned Astronomy Research Center/JAXA Research and Development Division
from YOKOHAMA Space Days
Life in space - Sustaining the Earth's ecosystem and life in space -

We will think about the Earth's ecosystem in space and the support of life in space. We will introduce three core concepts for space migration: core biome, core technology, and core society. We will also explain life support and environmental control technology in space (ECLSS).

#core biome
#core technology
#core society
#terra window

Contact us

If you have any questions about exhibiting, sponsorship, or other matters related to this event, please contact us at the email address below.

[YOXO FESTIVAL Secretariat]