This event has already ended and will be held in 2024. For information on the 2025 event, please see here.


time schedule

D_Landmark Tower NANA Lv.
Reservation system
2/3 (Sat) 15:20-16:00

Realizing a sustainable terrestrial society and industry challenges using observation satellite data

Warpspace Inc.
from YOKOHAMA Space Days
Realizing a sustainable terrestrial society and industry challenges using observation satellite data

As a means of strengthening measures against climate change and environmental issues, we would like to introduce an overview of Earth observation technology, current market issues, and our solutions to them. By visualizing the earth from a perspective invisible to the human eye and encouraging appropriate actions, we will contribute to the realization of a sustainable society.

#Satellite data utilization
#optical communication network

Contact us

If you have any questions about exhibiting, sponsorship, or other matters related to this event, please contact us at the email address below.

[YOXO FESTIVAL Secretariat]