「多様な人材が協働する社会を作る」をビジョンに、グローバルな視点・知見を組織の力にすることでイノベーションを生み出す= Global Inclusion for Innovationに取り組んでいます。
その中で私たちは「連携・協働(Collaboration & Co-creation)」を大切にしており、多様なパートナーとともに、多様な人材が協働する社会の実現に向けて様々なチャレンジをしています。
With the vision of “Creating a society where diverse talents work together”, we are committed to “Global Inclusion for Innovation,” which means creating innovation by leveraging global perspectives and knowledge to the organization’s advantage.
We value “Collaboration & Co-creation” and are taking on various challenges to realize a society in which diverse human talents work together with diverse partners.
We are looking for members who will work with us as such partners to create a society where diverse talent!
VISION:多様な人材が協働する社会を作る Creating a society where diverse talents collaborate
BUSINESS: 私たちAn-Nahalは、多様な人材が協働する社会を作ることを目指し以下の事業を展開しています。
1.インクルーシブリーダー育成 Inclusive Leadership development
We provide training and consulting services to develop inclusive leaders who understand the value of Diversity and Inclusion and facilitate organizational transformation.
● 異文化メンタリングMILE | Cross-cultural Mentoring program MILE
This program is for Japanese businesspersons to learn mutual understanding and cross-cultural communication through mutual mentoring with international students.
● 多文化協働体験SHIP | Multicultural Collaborative program SHIP
This program allows participants to experience the value of diversity and collaboration through team activities with international students, researchers, creators, and other participants who have perspectives not found within the organization.
● ダイバーシティ&インクルージョン研修 | Diversity & Inclusion Training
We provide tailor-made training programs to meet the needs of your company.
2. 外国人起業支援 Foreign entrepreneures support
In order to create an environment where it is accessible for foreigners to start their own businesses, we coordinate with the government to promote the use of start-up visas and foster a welcoming community.
There are two reasons why we are committed to diversity and inclusion in Japan.
1 原体験をもち多様性を推進するリーダーを育てる
Fostering leaders who have authentic experiences and advance diversity
Only 20% of Japanese citizens possess a passport, which leads to a lack of direct interaction with diverse cultures. Japan also ranks low in terms of willingness to work in a cross-cultural environment. To change this status quo, we offer training programs that enable individuals to appreciate different cultures and their values.
2 サポートし合うコミュニティ作り
Nurturing peer support community
Diversity and inclusion leaders around the world often feel isolated and exhausted due to the lack of leadership support, making it difficult for them to bring about meaningful change. Therefore, we provide a supportive community that brings together these leaders across different organizations to help them advance their goals.
募集対象 Target |
大学生・大学院生(全年次対象) Undergraduate and graduate students * International students are also welcome to apply. |
募集人数 Number of positions |
1- 2名 One or two |
期間 Duration |
2024年2月~3月(2ヶ月) ※双方の合意によって延長あり From February 2024 till March *Extension is possible by mutual agreement. |
テーマ Theme |
ダイバーシティ&インクルージョン、外国人起業 Diversity and Inclusion, Foreign entrepreneurs support |
職種 Job title |
事業推進 Business development |
活動支援金 Activity support fund |
交通費支給 Travel expenses paid |
活動内容 Roles and responsibilities |
期待する成果 Expected outcome |
得られる経験 Experience gained |
対象となる人 Requirements |
活動条件 Commitments |
週2日・5時間/日以上勤務 Work 2+days/week, 5hours/day or more 隔週1回の出社+リモート One in person bi-weekly + remote |
活動場所 Office location |
The An-Nahal team comprises members who possess unique expertise and skills from various communities. Although the team is small, everyone embraces diversity and inclusion, bringing a broad range of perspectives to daily business strategies and decision-making. We believe that all differences, whether cultural or otherwise, can be a source of collaboration, and we are striving to build a society where this can be a reality.
代表取締役 品川 優
We are looking for interns who share our vision and are enthusiastic about working alongside us as team members to overcome challenges! An-Nahal has reached its fifth year and is teeming with opportunities. We are excited to meet individuals who are thrilled about cooperating with us as the management’s right-hand person!
会社名 | 株式会社An-Nahal(アンナハル) 英名 An-Nahal Inc. |
URL | https://an-nahal.com/ |
設立 | 2019年5月 |
代表者 | 代表取締役 品川 優 |
本社 | 横浜市西区みなとみらい 3-7-1 Ocean Gate Minatomirai 8階 神奈川県 SHINみなとみらい |
事業内容 | ●ダイバーシティ&インクルージョン推進コンサルティング ●企業向け人材育成研修 ●外国人起業促進事業 |